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  • CAP-586 Drive moves 1 entire revolution when settings absolute encoder offset and position range settings
  • CAP-568 Fake soft-multiturn is happening when the encoder position oscillates around "0" 
  • CAP-175 Fix loop frequencies values
  • CAP-528 Forced alignment might not work with analog command source selected


  • CAP-381 Improve Bus Voltage utilization
  • CAP-330 Decrease ADC sampling time
  • CAP-498 User I2T option code doesn't allow to generate a fault

New Feature

  • CAP-507 Implement torque loop registers
  • CAP-527 Create registers to reset and monitor PID integral
  • CAP-331 Make ADC sampling delay configurable

This version introduces new storable registers. It is necessary to follow a special update procedure:

  • Save the drive configuration to a file.
  • Restore the drive to defaults.
  • Update to the new firmware.
  • Load again the drive configuration from the previously saved file.

It may be necessary to redo the phasing.

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