New Features
SACOAPP-181 Create a Bootloader Version register (0x46E3) for the safety subnode.
SACOAPP-187 Implement Safety Core Temperature register using subindexes for accessing CPUA and CPUB temperatures.
SACOAPP-199 Implement a filter in the Safe Inputs for OSSD signals.
SACOAPP-184 Add MCB CRC Checksum error code logging and its reaction.
COMOCOAPP-295 Make the STO reaction configurable via the STO Error Option Code register (0x263B).
Bug Fixes
SACOAPP-215 SS1 time to STO cannot be set lower than 50 ms.
SACOAPP-219 The internal clock has a drift.
SACOAPP-197 Inconsistent FSoE Reply error is being logged sometimes when transitioning from OP to PREOP.
COMOCOAPP-247 Profiler is not correctly calculated when interrupting a deceleration phase in profiled position.
COMOCOAPP-289 Fix Endat 2.2.
COMOCOAPP-294 The bootloader version is not correctly read and shows 1.0.0.
SACOAPP-183 Make the Error Total Number register show the total number of errors since power up.
SACOAPP-185 Disable write access to dictionary while storing the safety subnode.
SACOAPP-179 Include the flag SRA_Parameteruspported in the ESI file.
SACOAPP-188 Make the safe inputs readable in all operation modes.
SACOAPP-192 Add missing start-up self-tests.
SACOAPP-198 Review and update error codes and reactions.
SACOAPP-222 Increase the internal temperature limit from 80ºC to 85ºC.
SACOAPP-204 Remove the Error Queue CPU Select register (0x464C) and use subindexes for accessing CPUA and CPUB error queues instead.
COMOCOAPP-282 Limit the electrical frequency to 600 Hz.
Known issues
ID | Description | Workaround |
Wrong value conversion between homing speeds (CiA to manufacturer). | None | |
Feedback CLK not being reset after changing the refresh rate. | None | |
Default MAC address is inverted. | None | |
Register 0x1003 subindex 1 returns an error code when connecting to the device using MotionLab 1.5.0 through CAN. It does not affect the drive functionality and will be fixed in future MotionLab release. | None |