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New Features

SACOAPP-181 Create a Bootloader Version register (0x46E3) for the safety subnode.

SACOAPP-187 Implement Safety Core Temperature register using subindexes for accessing CPUA and CPUB temperatures.

SACOAPP-199 Implement a filter in the Safe Inputs for OSSD signals.

SACOAPP-184 Add MCB CRC Checksum error code logging and its reaction.

COMOCOAPP-295 Make the STO reaction configurable via the STO Error Option Code register (0x263B).

Bug Fixes

SACOAPP-215 SS1 time to STO cannot be set lower than 50 ms.

SACOAPP-219 The internal clock has a drift.

SACOAPP-197 Inconsistent FSoE Reply error is being logged sometimes when transitioning from OP to PREOP.

COMOCOAPP-247 Profiler is not correctly calculated when interrupting a deceleration phase in profiled position.

COMOCOAPP-289 Fix Endat 2.2.

COMOCOAPP-294 The bootloader version is not correctly read and shows 1.0.0.


SACOAPP-183 Make the Error Total Number register show the total number of errors since power up.

SACOAPP-185 Disable write access to dictionary while storing the safety subnode.

SACOAPP-179 Include the flag SRA_Parameteruspported in the ESI file.

SACOAPP-188 Make the safe inputs readable in all operation modes.

SACOAPP-192 Add missing start-up self-tests.

SACOAPP-198 Review and update error codes and reactions.

SACOAPP-222 Increase the internal temperature limit from 80ºC to 85ºC.

SACOAPP-204 Remove the Error Queue CPU Select register (0x464C) and use subindexes for accessing CPUA and CPUB error queues instead.

COMOCOAPP-282 Limit the electrical frequency to 600 Hz.

Known issues





Wrong value conversion between homing speeds (CiA to manufacturer).



Feedback CLK not being reset after changing the refresh rate.



Default MAC address is inverted.



Register 0x1003 subindex 1 returns an error code when connecting to the device using MotionLab 1.5.0 through CAN. It does not affect the drive functionality and will be fixed in future MotionLab release.


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