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Disclaimers and limitations of liability

Except in cases specifically indicated in other agreements and INGENIA-CAT, this product and its documentation are provided "as is", with no warranties or conditions of any type, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. 

INGENIA-CAT rejects all liability for errors or omissions in the information or the product or in other documents mentioned in this document. 

INGENIA-CAT shall in no event be liable for any incidental, accidental, indirect or consequential damages (including but not limited to those resulting from: (1) dependency of equipment presented, (2) costs or substituting goods, (3) impossibility of use, loss of profit or data, (4) delays or interruptions to business operations (5) and any other theoretical liability that may arise as a consequence of the use or performance of information, irrespective of whether INGENIA-CAT has been notified that said damage may occur. 

Some countries do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for accidental or consequential damages, meaning that the limits or exclusions stated above may not be valid in some cases. 

This document may contain technical or other types of inaccuracies. This information changes periodically.

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