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Firmware 1.7.2


  • SUMMIT-2590 Correct MCBus vulnerability that makes that communications can be lost

  • SUMMIT-2516 Absolute encoder overflow does not work correctly when moving the motor
  • SUMMIT-2463 Power Stage actual maximum temperature takes value 0 when ambient temperature is negative
  • SUMMIT-2456 The actual position could be increased / decreased one undesired turn when absolute encoder polarity is inverted
  • SUMMIT-2438 Linear Motor Temperature sensor should not be affected by Pull-up value or pull-up voltage
  • SUMMIT-2416 Motor temperature sensor supplied at 3.3V are not correctly read
  • SUMMIT-2033 Biss-C BP3 frame type is processing error bit as warning bit

New Feature


  • SUMMIT-2483 Make velocity and position PID parameters PDO mappable
  • SUMMIT-2470 Create register to consult all the received BISS-C frame bits
  • SUMMIT-2380 Refactor all internal position variables to int32
  • SUMMIT-2360 Add the possibility to set a zero offset in absolute encoders
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