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0x2570 - Current feedback filter 1 type


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Current feedback filter 1 type





0 - 7



This register contains the filter type for the current feedback filter 1.

There are 7 types of filter available. 


Value range

Filter type

0 - No filter

1 - Low pass

2 - High pass

3 - Band pass

4 - Peak

5 - Notch

6 - Low shelf

7 - High shelf

Low Pass Filter

Attenuates frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency. The response of the filter can be dampened or made more aggressive (maybe causing resonance) by means of the quality factor. In this example, the cutoff frequency is 1000 Hz

Band Pass Filter

Attenuates frequencies higher or lower than the center frequency.  The response of the filter can be dampened or made more aggressive (maybe causing resonance) by means of the quality factor. In this example, the center frequency is 1000 Hz

High Pass Filter

Attenuates frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency. The response of the filter can be dampened or made more aggressive (maybe causing resonance) by means of the quality factor. In this example, the cutoff frequency is 1000 Hz

Notch Filter

Eliminates center frequency and attenuates its surroundings. It can become sharper with a higher quality factor. In this example, the center frequency is 1000 Hz.

Peak Filter

Amplifies center frequency by a specific gain. The surrounding frequencies are also amplified. It can become sharper with a higher quality factor. In this example, the center frequency is 1000 Hz.

High Shelf Filter

Amplifies frequencies higher than the center frequency. In this example, the center frequency is 1000 Hz.

Low Shelf Filter

Amplifies frequencies lower than the center frequency. In this example, the center frequency is 1000 Hz.

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