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CANopen bootloader - quick guide

In this article, we explain how to update the firmware through CAN of your CANopen Summit drive. Motionlab software is used.

After a firmware update, it is necessary to follow a special procedure before using the drive:

  1. Update the firmware.
  2. Once the firmware has been updated, restore the drive to defaults (restore all).
  3. Power-cycle the drive.
  4. Now the drive is ready again for operation.

firmware files

Everest series use .sfu firmware files. Nevertheless, Capitan, Denali and Everest S series use .lfu firmware files, and they are not compatible.

Loading firmware with the drive connected

Navigate to "Tools" → "CAN Bootloader" and select the Bootloader.

After we have the Bootloader open we now need to make sure we select the firmware file to be loaded and hit "Load Firmware".

After the process is finished we will see a success message indicating the drive's firmware has been successfully updated.

Loading firmware with the drive initially disconnected

First of all, we want to make sure we have the CANopen communication selected.

After we know we are in CANopen we can navigate now to the CAN Bootloader, located in "Tools" → "CAN Bootloader".

After we have the Bootloader open we now need to make sure we select the proper CAN device, target the right node ID and Baudrate. Once we know all these fields are right we select the firmware file to be loaded and hit "Load Firmware".

After the process is finished we will see a success message indicating the drive's firmware has been successfully updated.

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