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Error Management comoco

Summit servo drives have been designed to contain the capability of self-test the status of its elements in order to be itself protected in front of any error inside or outside the drive. This is divided into two error types:

  • Operation errors. During normal operation, some modules are continuously checked.

  • Register errors. The access to the drive registers is self-protected to avoid unreachable configurations.

Operation errors

Operation verification is done continuously after power on. Errors are logged into a 32 size FIFO queue. The drive fills the queue until it is full, then the older error is overwritten by the new one. Therefore, the last error is the same than the error in the 0 position of the FIFO and the error in the last FIFO position (31) is removed if a new error appears. All these errors are accessible at any time. Furthermore, the last error is always monitored using a high-speed access register.

Error severity

Errors can have two severity levels: warning and fault. The behavior of each is different.


Warnings are considered to be non-critical errors, thus no reaction is applied. Warnings are logged in the error queue unless the same error code has been logged in the previous position or unless the drive has detected a fault error.

The error ID of a warning message is equal to an error code plus the bit 28 0x10000000. This bit of information is used to identify if the error code has been generated as a fault or a warning.

Configuration errors are always considered a warning.


Faults are errors with higher priority than warnings, where generally the reaction is to shut down the driver's power stage for safety purposes. Only one fault can be logged in the error manager unless a new fault is generated with a more restrictive reaction. New faults can be logged as well when a fault reset is attempted, notifying the user in case some additional error is preventing the drive from exiting the fault state in the state machine. 

Fault reaction and error masking

Some specific errors which are not excessively critical can have their reaction and severity level modified by means of user option codes. The option codes are the following:




Disable power stage


Do nothing


Slow down ramp


Quick stop ramp

When using slow down ramp or quick stop ramp option codes, it is important to have the velocity loop operative and properly configured. In the option codes that also disable the power stage after detecting that the motor has stopped, velocity threshold and velocity threshold time have to be also configured.


Each element of the summit device architecture has the capability to detect errors and log them into its own error management queue. Additionally, an extra queue named "system" groups all the errors in a single table to provide a master single entry point.

Each error management queue logs the following events:


Error queue


Error queue


Error queue

Axis errors

Axis warnings

General errors

General warnings

Axis error queue

When an error with severity fault is detected, the drive goes to the called Fault state until the error is removed and the user resets this status through a Fault reset command. In the Fault state, all power elements are disabled and normal operation is not allowed.


Operation errors are not logged until the drive reaches the switch-on state. More details about the drive state machine are available in the Operation section.

On the other hand, when an error with warning severity level happens, the warning bit of the drive's Status Word is set. This bit is also cleared automatically whenever the error cause is gone.

The registers for accessing the axis error queue are:

  • Last error

  • Error total number

  • Error list index request

  • Error list requested code

General error queue

In this case, the warning severity does not affect any module of the drive, the warning is simply logged into the general queue. An error with fault severity sets a fault to the axis.

The registers for accessing the general error queue are:

  • Last error (subnode 0)

  • Error total number (subnode 0)

  • Error list index request (subnode 0)

  • Error list requested code (subnode 0)

System error queue 

The system queue collects all the errors detected on any subnode. It also adds information about which subnode is the origin of the error.


System error code:

Bit number

31 .. 29


27 .. 24

23 .. 20

19 .. 16

15 .. 0







Error code

Example: 0x0010XXXX means that subnode 1 (axis) has an errorcode XXXX.

The registers for accessing the system error queue are:

  • System last error

  • System error total number

  • System error list index request

  • System error list requested code

Operation error codes

Axis operation error codes

Error IdDefault severity and reactionReaction configurableDescriptionMeaning
0x00000000NoneNoNo errorDrive is working correctly
0x00001001Fault - Power stage shutdownYesCommunications watchdog errorNo valid frames have been received during the configured communications watchdog window time
0x00002280Fault - Power stage shutdownNoOver-current detected (internal drive limit)

It indicates that a current value higher than the maximum absolute one allowed by the drive has been detected. There are several sources that produce this error:

  • Short-circuit (See product manual for further information about detectable short-circuits)
  • Control loops instabilities, over-shoots
0x00002281Fault - Power stage shutdownNoFaulty gate driver

A failure has been detected in gate driver. The cause of the failure could be

  • Mismatch of gate driver configuration and expected configuration
  • Hardware failure signal
0x00002282Fault - Power stage shutdownNoCurrent A sensing reached upper saturation limitCurrent A ADC counts have reached upper ADC saturation limit
0x00002283Fault - Power stage shutdownNoCurrent A sensing reached lower saturation limitCurrent A ADC counts have reached lower ADC saturation limit
0x00002284Fault - Power stage shutdownNoCurrent B sensing reached upper saturation limitCurrent B ADC counts have reached upper ADC saturation limit
0x00002285Fault - Power stage shutdownNoCurrent B sensing reached lower saturation limitCurrent B ADC counts have reached lower ADC saturation limit
0x00002286Fault - Power stage shutdownNoCurrent C sensing reached upper saturation limitCurrent C ADC counts have reached upper ADC saturation limit
0x00002287Fault - Power stage shutdownNoCurrent C sensing reached lower saturation limitCurrent C ADC counts have reached lower ADC saturation limit
0x00002288Fault - Power stage shutdownYesUser I2T limit detected without current control

The I2T algorithm is always enabled and generates a fault if the current loop is disabled when the user I2T limit is overcome

0x00002289Fault - Power stage shutdownYesOver-current detected (user limit) without current controlIndicates that a current reading higher than the configured max. current has been reached
0x0000228AFault - Power stage shutdownNoSystem I2T detectedThe system I2T limit is reached (maximum drive limits)
0x0000228BFault - Power stage shutdownNoDerating without current controlIndicates that driver has started derating ramp without current control
0x0000228CFault - Power stage shutdownNoCurrent sensor calibration errorIndicates that the current sensor calibration offset is out of tolerance (abnormal situation during calibration).
0x00002301Fault - Power stage shutdownNoBrake over-currentThe current in the brake is higher than the limit set by the user
0x00002302Fault - Power stage shutdownNoBrake tracking errorThe brake current cannot follow the value set by the user
0x00003210Fault - Power stage shutdownNoOver-voltage detected (internal drive limit)Maximum allowed voltage by the drive is overcome
0x00003211Fault - Power stage shutdownNoOver-voltage detected (redundant internal drive limit)Maximum allowed voltage by the drive is overcome
0x00003221Fault - Power stage shutdownNoUnder-voltage detected (internal drive limit)Minimum allowed voltage by the drive is overcome
0x00003231Fault - Power stage shutdownYesOver-voltage detected (user limit)User maximum voltage limit is overcome
0x00003241Fault - Power stage shutdownYesUnder-voltage detected (user limit)User minimum voltage limit is overcome
0x00003280Fault - Power stage shutdownYesSTO is enabledSTO is active and could have disabled the power stage disabled
0x00003281Fault - Power stage shutdownNoSTO supply faultSTO supply fault. Unit could be damaged
0x00003282Critical - Power stage shutdownNoSTO abnormal faultSTO abnormal fault. STO1 and STO2 inputs differed more than latching time
0x00003283Fault - Power stage shutdownNoSTO active in operation enabledSTO is active in operation enabled and has disabled the power stage
0x00003290Fault - Power stage shutdownNoInput stage problemIt indicates that the bus voltage is not being loaded correctly
0x00004300Fault - Power stage shutdownNo

Over-Temperature detected (internal drive limit)

Maximum allowed drive temperature is overcome
0x00004301Fault - Power stage shutdownNoUnder-Temperature detected (internal drive limit)Minimum allowed drive temperature is overcome
0x00004303Fault - Power stage shutdownYesOver-temperature detected (user limit)User maximum drive temperature is overcome
0x00004304Fault - Power stage shutdownYesUnder-temperature detected (user limit)User minimum drive temperature is overcome
0x00004305Fault - Power stage shutdownYesWrong ADC measurements detectionADC module is not working as expected and cannot be trusted
0x00004400Fault - Power stage shutdownYesMotor Over Temperature detectedMaximum temperature allowed by the actuator is overcome
0x00004500Fault - Power stage shutdownYesExternal fault

An external element has set to "high level" the external fault input.

This error is only present in Everest family products (EVE) or CORE versions.

The reaction of the device to this signal is configurable by means of the External fault option code and External error signal reaction registers.

When External fault option code register is set to Fault, register External error signal reaction will decide what to do.

In products as the Everest family (EVE), this fault is generated internally if certain errors are detected in subnode 0 to allow stopping safely the drive. Current implementation generates this error if:

  • EtherCAT firmware: EtherCAT communication errors
  • CAN firmware: Lifeguard error is detected
0x00007370Fault - Power stage shutdownYesHalls sequence errorTwo of the 3 digital Halls signals have changed value simultaneously, leading to an unsupported sequence
0x00007371Fault - Power stage shutdownNoHalls combination errorIndicates that the read halls value combination is not possible (000 or 111)
0x00007372Fault - Power stage shutdownNoFeedback runaway errorFeedback reading over a mechanical cycle does not match with the specified encoder resolution. Review encoder resolution or encoder cabling
0x0000737EFault - Power stage shutdownNoAbsolute encoder 1 disconnection or frame overlapAbsolute encoder 1 disconnection when using BiSS-C protocol, or frame overlap
0x0000737FFault - Power stage shutdownNoAbsolute encoder 2 disconnection or frame overlapAbsolute encoder 2 disconnection when using BiSS-C protocol, or frame overlap
0x00007380Fault - Power stage shutdownNoToo many incorrect invalid position flags detected in SSI / BiSS - C readings

Indicates that the error bit of the absolute encoder is active and the amount of occurrences has exceeded the error tolerance parameter

0x00007381WarningNoBiSS-C warning bit activeIndicates that the warning bit of the BiSS-C encoder is active
0x00007382Fault - Power stage shutdownNoToo many incorrect CRC checks in SSI / BiSS-C readingsIt indicates that the number of CRC errors detected is higher than the configured
0x00007384WarningNoAbsolute encoder error bit active without exceeding error toleranceIndicates that the error bit of the absolute encoder is active but the amount of occurrences has not exceeded the error tolerance parameter
0x00007385Fault - Power stage shutdownYesPosition out of limits out of position modesIndicates that position readings are out of the configured software limits when the position loop is not enabled


Fault - Power stage shutdownYesVelocity out of limits out of velocity or position modesIt indicates that velocity readings are higher than the configured max. velocity when the velocity loop is not enabled
0x00007387Fault - Power stage shutdownYesIn a position mode, following error overcomes the position following error windowThe position demand can't be followed properly by the drive. Review controller, limits, and acceleration/velocities
0x00007388Fault - Power stage shutdownYesIn a velocity mode, following error overcomes the velocity following error windowThe velocity demand can't be followed properly by the drive. Review controller, limits, and acceleration/velocities
0x0000738CFault - Power stage shutdownNoPosition out of limits in position modeThe drive is outside its position limits when being enabled in position mode
0x00007390Fault - Power stage shutdownNoInterpolation time is too small when PVT is enabled.PVT movement has an interpolation time smaller than the drive loop update time
0x00007391Fault - Power stage shutdownNoProfiler parameters not valid. They should all have positive values.Profiler parameters such as max. velocity, max. acceleration or max. deceleration has unsupported values that can cause undesired trajectories
0x0000739AFault - Power stage shutdownNoThe electrical velocity limit has been exceededThe motor motor cannot be operated over the electrical velocity limit of 600Hz. This limit only applies for non-position and non-velocity operation modes.

General operation error codes

Error IdDefault severity and reactionReaction configurableDescriptionMeaning
0x00000000NoneNoNo errorDrive is working correctly
0x0000F011Info - NothingNoCyclic mode mapping errorThe mapping parameters of monitoring-disturbance are invalid

There are some general errors that are specific to the communication field bus.


The next table shows the supported CANopen specific operation error codes:

Error IdDefault severity and reactionReaction configurableDescription
0x00008100Info - NothingNoCommunication – generic
0x00008110Info - NothingNoCAN overrun (objects lost)
0x00008120Info - NothingNoCAN in error passive mode
0x00008130Fault - Power stage shutdownYesLife guard error or heartbeat error
0x00008140Go to pre-operational state (Change over CANopen state machine)NoRecovered from bus off
0x00008210Info - NothingNoPDO not processed due to length error
0x00008220Info - NothingNoPDO length exceeded
0x00008240Info - NothingNoUnexpected SYNC data length
0x00008250Info - NothingNoRPDO timeout

The next table shows the supported EtherCAT specific operation error codes:

Error IdDefault severity and reactionReaction configurableDescription
0x0000FF42Fault - Power stage shutdownYesEtherCAT cable disconnected
0x0000FF43Fault - Power stage shutdownYesCyclic timeout EtherCAT PDO lifeguard

Fault reaction timeout

To prevent situations where a poor configuration of the conditions to exit fault reaction active state might get the driver stuck in this state, a timeout is implemented to transition to the fault state.

Register errors

Configuration verification is done on every access to a drive register. Some parameters are protected to avoid unreachable (or even dangerous) configurations, for example, selecting a nonexistent feedback. 

Configuration errors do not generate any reaction to the system operation.

The following error codes help to understand why the requested register access failed:

Error IdDefault severity and reactionReaction configurableDescriptionMeaning
0x0000738BInfo - Nothing-Trapezoidal commutation without digital halls not allowedTrapezoidal commutation without digital halls not allowed. Review commutation sensor configuration and phasing
Info - Nothing-Unsupported synchronization methodThe selected synchronization method doesn't exist or is not allowed in the current state
0x00007500Info - Nothing-Number of active feedbacks is higher than allowedThe number of selected feedbacks to be enabled is higher than the allowed one by the drive
0x00007503Info - Nothing-Access unsupported in the current state.The register is usually accessible but the access is currently disabled due to the drive state.
0x00007504Info - Nothing-Access unsupported because of local controlThe register is accessible under certain conditions that are not being satisfied. 
0x05040000Info - Nothing-COMKIT Timeout. CORE device is not properly connectedSpecific fault generated by COMKIT if the CORE product is not connected properly
0x06010000Info - Nothing-Incorrect access typeIt indicates that a read command has been requested to a write-only register of a write command has been requested to a read-only register
0x06020000Info - Nothing-Object does not existIt indicates that the requested register does not exist
0x06040041Info - Nothing-Object isn't cyclic mappable as requestedIt indicates that the register requested to be mapped into a cyclic frame is not cyclic
0x06040042Info - Nothing-Cyclic mapping is too largeIt indicates that the requested cyclic mapping is higher than the allowed space in the cyclic buffer
0x06070010Info - Nothing-Mapped cyclic register size is wrongThe requested size for the mapped cyclic register differs from the expected one by the drive
0x06090011Info - Nothing-Sub-Index does not existThe requested Sub-Index is not present in the device
0x060A0000Info - Nothing-Unsupported value introduced in registerValue to be written is outside the parameter range
0x08000000Info - Nothing-Read / Write operation not executedIt indicates that the requested register read or write was not executed
0x08010000Info - Nothing-Cyclic mapping key is wrongIt indicates that the requested cyclic register key doesn't exist
0x08010010Info - Nothing-Communication state is unreachableTransition from config to cyclic or from cyclic to config modes is unreachable in the current state
0x08010020Info - Nothing-Communication setting is not modifiable in the current stateA new mapping has been requested when the drive is in cyclic mode
0x08010030Info - Nothing-Invalid commandThe command requested by the master is unrecognized
0x08010040Info - Nothing-CRC errorA CRC error has been detected on the previous frame
CANopen SDO abort codes

The next table shows the supported CANopen SDO abort codes:

Error IdDescription
0x06060000Access failed due to hardware error
0x06090030Value range exceeded
0x08000020Data can not be read or written
0x08000022Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of the present device state
0x08000024No data available
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