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XCR - Signalling LEDs

The drive provides information through 6 signalling LEDs:

  • EtherCAT 0 link: LED 6 green 
  • EtherCAT 1 link: LED 1 green
  • Driver Status: LED2 & LED3 (one bi-color).
  • EtherCAT Status: LED4 & LED5 (one bi-color).

Start-up Sequence

After power on the drive LEDs sequence is the next one:

ProtocolEtherCAT 0 LinkEtherCAT 1 LinkDrive StatusEtherCAT Status
CANopenSee belowSee below
  • Switch off if initialization is OK
  • RED if an error has been detected during initialization
  1. Switch off during initialization
  2. PRE-OPERATIONAL signalling when initialization is done
EtherCATSee belowSee below
  • Switch off if initialization is OK
  • RED if an error has been detected during initialization
  • Switch off
FTP boot modeSee belowSee below


  1. Switch off during initialization
  2. ORANGE blink (~500 ms) when initialization is done

Driver Status LEDs

Two LEDs indicate driver status. Note that both LEDs are grouped into a single red/green package.












LED is on when an error event has occurred and the drive is trapped in the Fault state.

EtherCAT Status LEDs

Four LEDs provide information regarding communication status according to EtherCAT specification.

The EtherCAT green and red LEDs (shared with CANopen communication) indicate the EtherCAT status. The green LED is the RUN LED, and the red LED is the ERROR LED. Next table shows their states meaning:

LED4 - RUN LED state

EtherCAT slave status

LED5 - ERROR LED state

EtherCAT slave status

OffINITOffNo error
FlickeringBOOTSTRAPBlinkingInvalid configuration
BlinkingPRE-OPERATIONALSingle flashLocal error
Single FlashSAFE-OPERATIONALDouble flashWatchdog timeout

The two green LEDs at the sides are the LINK 0 and LINK 1 LEDs. The LINK LEDs indicates the state of the EtherCAT physical link activity:

LINK LED state

Slave State

OffPort closed
FlickeringPort opened (activity on port)
OnPort opened (no activity on port) 

CANopen Status LEDs

One Bi-color LED (shared with EtherCAT communication) provides information about the CANopen communication status, according to CiA 303-3 recommendations. The green LED is the RUN LED, and the red LED is the ERROR LED.

ERROR LED indicates the status of the CAN physical layer and errors due to missed CAN messages (sync, guard or heartbeat). Next table the meaning of the ERROR LED states:

LED5 - ERROR LED  state




No error

Device is in working condition.

Single flash

Warning limit reached

At least one of the error counters of the CAN controller has reached or exceeded the warning level (too many error frames).

Double flash

Error control event

A guard event (NMT-slave or NMT-master) or a heartbeat event (heartbeat consumer) has occurred.

Triple flash

Sync error

The sync message has not been received within the configured communication cycle period time out.


Bus off

The CAN controller is bus off.

RUN LED indicates the status of the CANopen network state machine. Next table shows the meaning of the RUN LED states:

LED4 - RUN LED state





The device is switched off



The device is in state PRE-OPERATIONAL

Single flash


The device is in state STOPPED



The device is in state OPERATIONAL

The two green LEDs at the sides are the LINK 0 and LINK 1 LEDs. The LINK LEDs indicates the state of the Ethernet physical link activity:

LINK LED state

Slave State

OffPort closed
FlickeringPort opened (activity on port)
OnPort opened (no activity on port) 
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