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Motor homing guide

In this guide a quick view of how to use homing mode is explained.

Homing sequence

  1. Be sure the motor is properly configured and it works in velocity modes.
  2. Make sure the profiler is correctly configured for homing modes using velocity
  3. Choose homing mode as mode of operation - (Key: 0x014, Value: 0x113)
  4. Select the homing mode and homing speeds and switches parameters required for the selected mode. Available options
  5. Modify control word. If homing mode is set to 0, homing can be performed regardless of the drive's state. If any other mode is used, enter into operational state - (Key: 0x010, sequence: 6, 7, 15)
  6. Launch the homing procedure by raising the new-set point bit in the control word register.
  7. Wait until homing condition is reached, position actual value will be around home offset parameter
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