- CAP-228 PDO units are not correctly read on TwinCAT
- CAP-226 Store is not storing some registers
- CAP-182 HW overcurrent depending on boot-up sequence
- CAP-162 Third on-board temperature sensor is not read
Known issues
ID | Description | workaround |
CAP-206 | PDO mappings and PDO assigns have no default value | Write EtherCAT PDO mapping registers before entering into the Operational state: |
CAP-211 | EMCY is not working and neither registers 0x1001 and 0x1003 | Use manufacturer-specific register for error management. |
CAP-212 | EtherCAT cable disconnection safety reaction not working | None |
CAP-213 | Interpolation time exponent and mantissa names and ranges are wrong | Modify these parameters directly from the EtherCAT master instead of using Motionlab. |
CAP-215 | Max and min position limits not working | None |