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Connect drive to interface board

Please do not touch the bottom of the board directly.

Avoid any contact with Zone B of the board at all times of the installation and operation processes.


When unboxing the drive please ensure the following:

  • Remove it from the bag carefully avoiding any contact with Zone B.

  • Check that there is no visible physical damage. If any, report it immediately to the carrier.

  • Check the part number of the drive on the side label. 

Installation Safety Requirements

The drive has live circuits that can be touched and entail a risk of electric shock (Protective Class 0), as well as a risk of thermal injury. It must be mounted on a closed electrical operating area to which access is restricted to skilled or instructed personnel. This enclosure, cabinet, protection, or case should have a minimum Index of Protection of IP3X. To ensure electrical safety it is also important that the environment is clean from conductive pollution or condensation when the drive is powered (Pollution degree 2). 


 The drive and motor can become hot and cause severe burns. 

If any of the user-accessible surfaces exceeds 70 ºC, a hot-surface signal must be added. This is the responsibility of the installer. 


Power and motor pins have live voltages which can exceed 50 V which can cause electric shock!

Perform installation procedures without voltage. Ensure the drive is mounted on a closed electrical operating area which protects against direct contact. 

The drive may be operated without enclosure and protection against electric shock when it is supplied at Extra Low Voltage (ELV), ≤ 50 V.

Interface board design

For full recommendations on heat dissipation and mechanical design please see Installation.

For full information on the pinout required for the design of the interface board please see Pinout.

For design recommendation of the interface board, please visit Summit Designer.

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