0x2602 - Current readings thousands
Index | Sub Index | Name | Data Type | Acc. | Pdo Map. | NVM | Value range | Default value | Units |
0x2602 | 0x01 | Current phase A | INT16 | RO | Yes | No | Data type | - | ‰ rated current |
0x2602 | 0x02 | Current phase B | INT16 | RO | Yes | No | Data type | - | ‰ rated current |
0x2602 | 0x03 | Current phase C | INT16 | RO | Yes | No | Data type | - | ‰ rated current |
This object provides the instantaneous phase currents (current in stationary frame) expressed in thousand of rated current.
The default current sign read by all ingenia drives follows the next criteria:
where the current relationship are: &
. The values obtained by this register following the picture above are (being Motor rated current = 2A)):
- 0x2600; 0x01 - Current phase A =
‰ rated current
- 0x2600; 0x02 - Current phase B =
‰ rated current
- 0x2600; 0x03 - Current phase C =
‰ rated current