Version 2.4.11
- [EMCL-1109] - Incorrect SSI initialization
- [EMCL-1112] - Losing pulses in Step and Direction
- [EMCL-1118] - Digital outputs are not updated through PDO messages (ECAT & CANopen).
Zettlex IncOders SSI3 incorrect initialization
An undesired initial value was detected on applications using absolute IncOders encoders from Zettlex company. These incorrect positions are correctly signaled by the Error flag specified on the encoder datasheet (page 36), so frame type 2 (SSI configuration) has to be selected for a proper operation. The issue was not completely fixed because the drive generated faults if this flag was detected, stopping the drive operation. A new register (0x2380; 0x0A - SSI Absolute encoder configuration) has been added to support a burst of error flags before stopping the operation of the drive to overcome this situation.
Losing pulses in Step and Direction
On previous releases, some pulses might be lost if the generated target position crosses the value 0. This has been completely fixed on this release.