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Version 2.10.4

New Feature

  • [MOT-1329] - Add FOLLOWING ERROR TIME OUT into homing methods based on following error


  • [MOT-1082] - Include driver variant on the product name. Like "Jupiter 130/15".
  • [MOT-1325] - Option to remove grey dots in scope
  • [MOT-1326] - Scope in polling should remember time axis preference
  • [MOT-1336] - Change keyboard shortcuts to use "Left Alt" instead of "Left Control" key


  • [MOT-1319] - Write Motor modified parameters button needs to be pressed twice
  • [MOT-1331] - Analog input value is not correctly translated to Volts/Amps because of the ADC bits
  • [MOT-1332] - MotionLab crashes if opened twice
  • [MOT-1334] - Composer: SetVariable is not working if value is entered in hexadecimal format
  • [MOT-1335] - Composer: DIgital Output function not working when setting to Off
  • [MCLIB-180] - MotionLab crashes when running twice and pressing detect drives
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