Version 2.7.9
- [MOT-196] - Rounding problem on downloaded paremeters
- [MOT-215] - MACRO Load do not refresh properly
- [MOT-334] - MotionLab window should be opened at startup maximized
- [MOT-335] - Text mistake in Error code 0x2280
- [MOT-338] - Drag&Drop is not working properly in MACRO Editor
- [MOT-339] - Velocity instruction in MACROs is not working properly
- [MOT-341] - Hide and unhide toolbar creates an extra bar
- [MOT-345] - Map to on-line drive not working properly
- [MOT-346] - Composer Functions get Current Drive from general App, and must get it from local Composer Window
- [MOT-347] - Each Drive must have a separate Composer File
- [MOT-350] - Unable to save to .mlm in some cases
- [MOT-351] - Max system force cannot be set higher than 65000
- [MOT-352] - Initial position option does NOT have to perform a POSITION PROFILE mode to actual position
- [MOT-353] - Installer should allow to install a previous version of software
- [MOT-355] - Position out of limits warning does not consider correctly relative movements
- [MOT-356] - Command Source must be restored at MOTION close
- [MOT-359] - Closing confirmation message does not appear in front of all applications
- [MOT-365] - Represented Profile in Motion Window should consider also initial position
- [MOT-366] - Wait mode of Target Velocity in Composer is reversed
- [MOT-369] - CALCULATE PROFILE is not working properly in FORCE Mode
- [MOT-370] - Initial position in MOTION not working properly when set to Current in Oscillation Mode
- [MOT-371] - At MOTION leave the saved parameters are wrong
- [MOT-372] - Initialize Motion is performed twice
- [MOT-377] - Macro commands & access should not be send on Download parameters
- [MOT-378] - WriteOnly parameters should not display any value on Drive value column
- [MOT-13] - Add Errors History in Status Setting (register 1003)
- [MOT-22] - Analog IO values should be expressed in "mv"
- [MOT-54] - Multiple function selection in copy-paste operations
- [MOT-291] - Search 'Name' in Parameters screen only works with Index
- [MOT-308] - Show error if with GPDI_1 ENABLE input selected, it is not possible to ENABLE MOTOR
- [MOT-326] - Add a DOWNLOAD BIOS button
- [MOT-330] - Add Tree level to navigation panel
- [MOT-332] - Filters in "Parameters" is not clear enough
- [MOT-342] - XDC parameters value should not use format display of parameter window
- [MOT-344] - Add Linear hall value to the scope variables (0x2340)
- [MOT-349] - Add MOTOR STATUS case to IF function
- [MOT-354] - Wait between go & back and between cycles option should be disabled if not checked
- [MOT-357] - Add channel window for SCOPE must be a child of SCOPE and displayed centered in relation to it.
- [MOT-362] - Add legend at top of scope
- [MOT-363] - Add register watcher panel to Program Memory Setting
- [MOT-368] - Amplitude field in Oscillation mode should be able to use user units
- [MOT-373] - Ask user what to do when timeout occurs
- [MOT-376] - Update Digital Encoder Wizard
- [MOT-380] - Add the possibility to remove channels in Monitoring mode