Version 2.8.2
- [MOT-483] - Remove frequency (mHz) parameter on open loop mode when DC motor is used
- [MOT-508] - Warning table should not be editable
- [MOT-512] - Error on Loading Composer files
- [MOT-513] - Copy/move function doesn't works correctly (COMPOSER)
- [MOT-516] - Commutation sensor is not deactivated correctly
- [MOT-523] - Limit user temperature and user voltage to be in range of system limits
- [MOT-528] - It takes too much time to calculate profile in Motion window when Profile Torque is selected
- [MOT-449] - Integrate Switches Setting into IO Setting
- [MOT-481] - Include actuator type linear DC brushed (for CONCENS)
- [MOT-509] - integrate brake output config in IO setting
- [MOT-510] - Warnings redirection to specific field
- [MOT-522] - Change several UI controls that should not be selectable/editable
- [MOT-525] - Reorder the sections in Motion --> Control Functions to be easier to understand
- [MOT-534] - Macro Access value should be automatically changed when the number button grid is selected
- [MOT-545] - Improve the user experience of "Values Review" window
New Feature
- [MOT-446] - Include automatic analog output option
- [MOT-500] - Use new HW register: Analog input & output information
- [MOT-501] - Add limit bit of statusword in Motion Window
- [MOT-502] - Add health output configuration in IO setting
- [MOT-503] - Add digital input/output polarity in IO setting
- [MOT-511] - Add new Brake parameters
- [MOT-552] - Use new GPIO functionality