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  • [MOT3-345] - Controlword is saved in Xml file and when loading it the motor activates automatically. This is very dangerous
  • [MOT3-474] - Slaves recognition not working properly when there is no internet connection
  • [MOT3-478] - If user refresh network when there is a slave already discovered, it disconnects from Motionlab
  • [MOT3-515] - After a single error in the Terminal, it becomes unusable reporting ERROR: Execution aborted for any input
  • [MOT3-517] - When I open IP connection window on MotionLab3, it disappears soon when I move the mouse.
  • [MOT3-519] - Double scope crashes motionlab
  • [MOT3-520] - Scope background and channels color are not saved correctly in workspaces files
  • [MOT3-524] - Sometimes display widget blocks view on start
  • [MOT3-525] - Error 0x00003282 meaning should be displayed in Motionlab
  • [MOT3-530] - 0x00003231 error is not properly described in the Errors widget
  • [MOT3-531] - Velocity Jog is not showing Profiler max velocity in control window
  • [MOT3-538] - Display widget values are not refreshing correctly

New Feature

  • [MOT3-534] - Add Tune menu into default workspaces
  • [MOT3-551] - Add cursors first implementation in Scope widge


  • [MOT3-405] - Add an about window
  • [MOT3-483] - Implement multiprocessing in scope widget
  • [MOT3-529] - Disable modes of operation "Position", "Velocity" and "Current" modes (non-profiler options)
  • [MOT3-535] - If user inserts same IP than another slave scanned, it should not scan again
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