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New Features

  • [MOT3-984] - Add a note alerting of firewall problems during FW upgrade
  • [MOT3-988] - Allow the possibility to export identification (both electrical and mechanical) data to CSV file


  • [MOT3-892] - Refactor update to latest firmware in MotionLab3
  • [MOT3-910] - Ability to stop a wizard test in any moment
  • [MOT3-912] - Automatically set a velocity feedback filter when the only sensor that is in the system is digital halls
  • [MOT3-916] - Define identification tests methods for default constants all in ingeniawizard
  • [MOT3-917] - Current identification/verification should be done in Q
  • [MOT3-928] - Automatically detect samples that fit into buffer size
  • [MOT3-932] - Allow selecting the trigger signal in monitoring
  • [MOT3-934] - Show velocity filter parameters in velocity tuning workspace
  • [MOT3-936] - As a user, I would appreciate having a default workspace that I can use to tune the feedforward acceleration/velocity gains
  • [MOT3-1586] - Firmware update functionality requires significant improvements
  • [MOT3-1823] - Add test to analyze if Reference feedback has been correctly calculated on Wizard's commutation page
  • [MOT3-1825] - Alineation proccess of current verification should not be dependent on rated current
  • [MOT3-1827] - Add button to add/remove Tune button from Control
  • [MOT3-1855] - When having many panels opened in a laptop, configuring the screen is impossible
  • [MOT3-1860] - Closing the Display widget should automatically stop the display process
  • [MOT3-1900] - Add CAP-CORE, CAP-NET, CAP-XCR product images
  • [MOT3-1938] - Add capitan dictionary names to ml3
  • [MOT3-1952] - Listed libaries in motionlab should be get the version automatically
  • [MOT3-1954] - Add everest 1.7.0 dictionaries


  • [MOT3-149] - Some export options are not working properly
  • [MOT3-156] - Downloading a Scope capture in PNG format causes error
  • [MOT3-157] - If mapped registers on monitoring is less than 1 workspace gets blocked
  • [MOT3-159] - Bad representation of the bode plots on CSV file
  • [MOT3-371] - Current direct tuning on trapezoidal commutation
  • [MOT3-595] - The main feedback page is skipped when hitting the previous button
  • [MOT3-598] - Entering in STO page takes longer when system is in fault
  • [MOT3-635] - Bootloader should not ask for the protocol if it is called from Wizard
  • [MOT3-668] - Sometimes the text of 'Loading workspace...' at the bottom right of ML3 appears with a margin-right
  • [MOT3-673] - General MotionLab lack of feedback to the user
  • [MOT3-683] - It seems like monitoring or coco triggers dont work with UINT16 and UINT32/INT32 variables. Disturbance doesnt work either with UINT16
  • [MOT3-685] - Disturbance remains active when moving to monitoring widget
  • [MOT3-695] - Signal generation should work in all workspaces
  • [MOT3-696] - If you click cancel before updating the firmware (on the window mentioning to close the masters) the drive gets stuck in FTP mode
  • [MOT3-701] - when being connected to a drive, the FTP IP is not the current drive IP
  • [MOT3-703] - The FTP bootloader tool still gives a "Firmware has been updated" message when firewall is activated and the update crashes
  • [MOT3-704] - The FTP bootloader tool does not give a warning message that the public firewall is activated when it should
  • [MOT3-705] - Firmware update available message does not disappear after updating the firmware
  • [MOT3-708] - The list widgets at Inspector require two clicks to display their options
  • [MOT3-711] - Cursor should show gain and phase in Bode plots
  • [MOT3-713] - If CAN device is not connected/installed, ML3 should present an error message during Scan / connect process
  • [MOT3-714] - Key press event does not work in wizard
  • [MOT3-719] - Add torque constant to mechanical identification
  • [MOT3-721] - Writing a value in Control Velocity loop Kp while the Mechanical velocity Verification test is running gets the Wizard stuck
  • [MOT3-723] - If I click in Summit series reference manual link, 4 tabs open
  • [MOT3-740] - FoE does not work consistently
  • [MOT3-745] - If the user loads an xdf that is not an xdf internally ml3 rasies UE
  • [MOT3-746] - Some parameters names are not read properly in Control/Display but there is plenty of empty space
  • [MOT3-1767] - Velocity verifiaction input is on rpm no in A
  • [MOT3-1829] - Position tuning's (monitoring mode) trigger's level edge should take into account also actual position
  • [MOT3-1832] - After clearing the Errors window, the same error has not appeared again
  • [MOT3-1836] - Changing communications, monitoring is not correctly disabled
  • [MOT3-1837] - Categories are displayed in feedbacks page
  • [MOT3-1838] - Plots disappear navigating through wizard
  • [MOT3-1839] - Wizard reconnection do not reset the page subindexes
  • [MOT3-1840] - On tune enabled, Stop button at Scope is not working
  • [MOT3-1841] - Control and Display do not update the category of a parameter updated
  • [MOT3-1844] - Add slave manually blocked at CAN comms
  • [MOT3-1847] - Display categories do not work in Electrical Identification
  • [MOT3-1848] - MotionLab suddenly shuts down
  • [MOT3-1850] - ML3 in serial communication shuts down unexpected in multiple situations
  • [MOT3-1856] - Wrong calculation of model_w in Current Identification test
  • [MOT3-1858] - Changing registers from Display to STR type crashes ML3
  • [MOT3-1859] - Adding and removing registers from Display raises UE
  • [MOT3-1862] - When loading a Tune workspace the min Y should be updated with the actual position and y value
  • [MOT3-1863] - Legend of Chart2 is not shown by default
  • [MOT3-1877] - Weird alignment of units in Monitoring Inspector
  • [MOT3-1878] - Trigger point is not precise at all
  • [MOT3-1892] - If the drive shuts down while a monitoring tune is running after the reconnection Tune cannot be enabled
  • [MOT3-1893] - Release notes do not open when ml3 has been reinstalled
  • [MOT3-1896] - Position polling tune raises parsing error when coming loading it from another tune
  • [MOT3-1920] - DeviceInformation tag duplicated saving the xcf config file
  • [MOT3-1928] - Catch utf-8 exception to avoid software crashes
  • [MOT3-1929] - Enable Control widget in wizard tests
  • [MOT3-1931] - Opening scope or signal generator too fast when conecting a drive crashes ML3
  • [MOT3-1932] - Spacers at Control Widget are not being initialized properly
  • [MOT3-1940] - Tuning sometimes saturates monitoring buffer
  • [MOT3-1943] - In motionlab release SOEM connections do not work and disconnection crashes ML3
  • [MOT3-1944] - Capitan core and XCR product numbers are wrong
  • [MOT3-1949] - At some registers there is a wrong converstiong regarding utf-8 fromatting
  • [MOT3-1950] - Wrong disconnection method used in SOEM connections
  • [MOT3-1958] - Add newest canopen eds files
  • [MOT3-1959] - When reaching the Summary page the previous button sometimes does not work
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