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New Feature

MOT3-2832 Integrate theorical plant for Position identification


MOT3-2725 Quadrature loop constants cant be modified in Temporal design tab of electrical tuning (wizard)

MOT3-2728 Current loop Kr register (0x509) has been eliminated from the FW but not from the Wizards. Everest new FW cause error

MOT3-2751 Control and display views cannot show 64bits vars in hex format

MOT3-2809 Broken links of documentation inside the wizard

MOT3-2816 ML3 takes new errors as Unknown in CORE families

MOT3-2817 ML3 should adapt workspace (biss 1 and 2 test in order to insert new registers on wizard test workspace)

MOT3-2818 Unhandled exception after baud rate change before reboot

MOT3-2831 Unhandled exception is appeared: Wizard

MOT3-2858 Manual option in wizard current design does not write quadrature Ks

MOT3-2859 Verification advanced options does not use identification values

MOT3-2861 Position and velocity verification test can't be stop

MOT3-2899 Slow loading times and ML3 stops responding when connecting to drive


MOT3-2786 Update ingeniawizard version to 1.0.0

MOT3-2787 Refactor Position Identification Tab

MOT3-2788 Refactor Position Freq. Design

MOT3-2789 Update Ingeniawizard position tuning call

MOT3-2821 Update Wizard communication page CANopen message


MOT3-2848 Unhandled exception: EVE-NET

Known issues





Unhandled exception when entering in Position identification when having position feedback selected as internal generator.

Change position feedback before go to Position identification page


Wizard scop shows values less than 1 as 0.



Kp is not correctly displayed on wizard for values smaller than 0.01



Test shows the error “An error occurred during test. No error” when a Warning occurs during test.


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