This widget is used to modify the value of any parameter added by the user. It is represented in a table where each row is a different parameter and only the axes used are displayed in columns.

Using the Control with the Inspector widget
The Control can be used in combination with the Inspector widget in order to modify the configuration of it. In this case, the properties available are:
Representation: The user can choose if all the registers are displayed in decimal or hexadecimal representation.
Show Motor Enable: Show or hide the button to enable motor.
Show Target Latch: Show or hide the button to target latch.
Display Categories: Classify the registers added by its categories or show all of them as a raw list.
On click in any parameter of the Control, automatically the Inspector options will change in order to display its configuration options.
Type: The user can choose how to display the register to edit.
The options available are:Default: Displayed in this example as an input value box to edit it.
Slider: Displays a slider with the range available for the register. More details in the Sliders section.
Parameter: The represented register.
Representation: As the control general settings, the user can choose if the register selected is displayed in decimal or hexadecimal representation.
Minimum and maximum values: The range of possible values allowed to the register.
Precision (optional): If the register selected allow float values, this value configures the slider type representation.
If the user has clicked on the value displayed, an input value box will appear to allow to change its value.
The parameters will be automatically saved to the drive after pressing Enter.

This type of visualization is only possible for registers that have numeric values (not enumerations).
Slider type is a mode of representation of parameters added in the Control widget.
It allows setting values dynamically sliding the stepper over the range allowed (configurable by the user at Inspector widget).
Additionally, the precision can be updated between 0 to 6 decimals, set to 2 as default for float values and 0 for integer ones.
As the default representation, if the user clicks on the value displayed, an input value box will appear to allow to change its value and the stepper will be updated automatically to its new position.
How to add registers to the Control
In order to add registers to the Control, the easiest way to do it is by using the "Add parameter" button at the bottom of the widget (see green box below). This will automatically add the first register in the list of registers available for the display (in this case, the "acceleration demand").
Since you probably wanted to add a different register, you can use the Inspector widget to change it. By clicking on the "activation brake time" parameter you will open its settings in the Inspector and then you can use the "Parameter" field to change the displayed register for whatever register you want (green rectangle below).
As soon as you change the "Parameter" field in the Inspector, it will update the parameter in the Display and it will start to show the real-time value of the new register.
If what you are looking for is removing registers instead of adding them to the Control, then it is as east as right-clicking the register and selecting "Remove from control".
This action will remove all the axis added of the parameter at Display, the whole row will disappear.