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This widget is used to show the real-time value of any parameter the user wants to monitor.
The parameters are displayed in a table with the columns representing the axes of the drive.
Using the Display with the Inspector widget
The Display can be further configured using the Inspector widget. The available options are:
Representation → The user can choose if all the registers are displayed in decimal or hexadecimal representation.
Refresh time → Used to configure the update rate of parameters shown in the Display.
Display Categories → Choose whether to display the registers as a raw list or group them by category.
If a single parameter is selected in the Display, the Inspector will offer configuration options specific to that register.
Parameter → The represented register.
Type → The user can choose how to display the register value. The options available are:
Number → As a number.
Bar → As a bar with the range available for the register. More details in the "Bars" section.
Representation → Just as in the general settings that change the layout for all registers. The user can choose if only the currently selected register is displayed in decimal or hexadecimal.
Registers values as numbers
Register values as bars
This type of visualization is not available for registers for which the value is an enumeration (text).
Adding registers to the Display
The easiest way to add registers to the Display is using the "Add parameter" button at the bottom of the widget (see green box below).
This will automatically add the first register in the list of registers available for the display.

In case you wanted to add a different register, you can use the Inspector widget to change it.
For example, clicking the "Auxiliar feedback sensor" parameter will open its settings in the Inspector where you can use the "Parameter" field to change the displayed register to the one you want (green rectangle below).

Changing the "Parameter" field in the Inspector will update the parameter in the Display:

Removing registers from the Display
Removing a register from the Display is as simple as right-clicking the register and selecting "Remove from display".
If the register was the only one to have a value for a certain axis, removing it will hide the corresponding axis column from the display.
Adding registers from Drive Explorer to Display/Control
Another way of adding registers to the Control and Display widgets is from the Drive explorer. By right-clicking on the registers displayed in the Drive Explorer widgets, you can add them to the Control/Display widgets depending on the register type (RO, WO or RW):
RO (Read Only) - Can only be added to the Display widget.
WO (Write Only) - Can only be added to the Control widget.
RW (Read / Write) - Can be added to both Display and Control widgets.