Safe Torque Off - External FSoE Master
This section is only available on Safe drives and EoE communication, and must be used together with an external EoE and FSoE master.
Learn more on how to:
Configure a FSoE external master:
Configure EoE:
This step of the configuration Wizard is used to check that the drive's safe torque off (STO) is deactivated by the external master in order to run the wizard tests. In this case MotionLab 3 can’t deactivate the STO, only the external master can.
This STO checking is done with the "STO TEST" button shown in the picture below which basically is checking some registers on the firmware that are reporting the state of STO1 and STO2 inputs:

If external master has disable the STO the test will pass and wizard can be continued:

Otherwhise, if STO is active test will fail and wizard can’t be continued: