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0x2A08 - Analog output automatic


Sub Index


Data Type


Pdo Map.


Value range

Default value




Mode enabled








0x2A080x02Source registerINT32RWNoYesINT320x6074-
0x2A080x03Destination outputUINT8RWNoYes1-21-
0x2A080x04Max represented valueUINT32RWNoYesUINT320x7FFFFFFF-

This object allows to assign automatically the content of an object to an analog output.

The value of the automatically generated analog output will depend of the selected source register data type and of Max represented value object:

  • If the assigned object has a signed range of valid values, the analog output will be offset automatically to the middle of its range and will be scaled to a range from -Max represented value to +Max represented value. Therefore, maximum DAC output value will correspond to an input of Max represented value or higher. Minimum DAC output value will correspond to an input of -Max represented value or smaller. A zero input value will be represented by DAC middle range.
  • If the assigned object has an unsigned range of valid values, value 0 of the object will be represented by the minimum value of the DAC, will the "Max represented value" (0x2A08, 0x04) will be represented by the maximum value of the DAC.
  • If the assigned object has a signed range of valid values, the minimum DAC value will be matched to the negative value of  the "Max represented value" (0x2A08, 0x04). The 0 value of the object will be represented with the middle value of the DAC and the "Max represented value" (0x2A08, 0x04) will be represented by the maximum value of the DAC.
ObjectTypeMax represented valueMin value object (mapped to min DAC)Middle value object (mapped to middle DAC)Max value object (mapped to max DAC)
Position Actual Value (0x6064)INT321.000.000


DC link circuit voltage (0x6079)UINT3248.000024.00048.000

SubIndex description:

  • 0x01 (Mode enabled): This object is used to activate/deactivate to automatic mode. Setting a 1 will enable the mode and setting a 0 will disable it.
  • 0x02 (Source register): Select the source values of the automatic analog output mode. It should be expressed as a combination of the subindex and index value (i.e. to select the subindex 0x02 of register 0x2C00, the 0x022C00 value should be written).
  • 0x03 (Destination output): Select which of the analog outputs should be used for the automatic mode.

    Not all ingenia controllers include a 16 bit Analog output. Please refer to Installation manual for further information.

  • 0x04 (Max represented value): Indicates the range of represented values by the analog output.

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