0x2A09 - Health options (Deprecated from version 1.3.0)
Index | Sub Index | Name | Data Type | Acc. | Pdo Map. | NVM | Value range | Default value | Units |
0x2A09 | 0x01 | Available | UINT8 | RW | No | Yes | UINT8 | 0x00 | - |
0x2A09 | 0x02 | Digital output used | UINT8 | RW | No | Yes | UINT8 | 0x06 | - |
This object allows configuring a general output to signal a fault event. If health is present it is automatically controlled and activated/deactivated by the system depending on the state (See State machine for further information).
User could activate/deactivate the health functionality using the Available object (0 -> health deactivated; > 0 health activated).
The digital output used as health is also configurable using the Digital output used object.