Position units
Position conversions can be calculated in two phases:
- Computing the feedback resolution.
- Applying the conversion factors of the desired units.
Computing feedback resolution
The position resolution depends directly on the feedback used and is based on EMCL units (c). EMCL supports as position feedbacks:
- Digital encoder
- Digital halls
- Analog halls
- Analog input
- SinCos
- PWM encoder
- Resolver
Digital Encoder
The resolution of the tachometer is computed as follow:
Digital halls
Analog halls
Analog Halls constant value is always 4096.
Analog input
Analog Input constant value is always 4096.
SinCos constant value is always 1024.
PWM encoder
PWM encoder constant is always 65535
Resolver constant is always 65535.
Applying the conversion factors of the desired units
A direct conversion factor can be applied to obtain the desired units after the computation of the resolution. The next sections shows the conversions of the most typical units.