0x608F - Position encoder resolution
Index | Sub Index | Name | Data Type | Acc. | Pdo Map. | NVM | Value range | Default value | Units |
0x608F | 0x01 | Encoder increments | UINT32 | RW | Yes | Yes | UINT32 | 2000 | increment |
0x608F | 0x02 | Motor revolutions | UINT32 | RW | Yes | Yes | UINT32 | 1 | revolutions |
It specifies the relationship between position feedback increments and mechanical revolutions of the motor.
The resultant position resolution is:
When using linear motors this object refer to pole-pitch resolution (number of quadrature cycles per electrical revolution).
When using linear motors, the position encoder resolution refer to pole-pitch and Motor pair poles object must be set to one.
emcl based controller uses x4 decoding with incremental encoders. So each transition in any of the two main encoder signals (A, B) will be considered to be an increment. As an example, if a 500 CPR (cycles per revolution) encoder is used; the encoder resolution will be 2000 increments per mechanical revolution.
This object applies only when Quadrature digital incremental encoder or SinCos incremental encoder is used as position feedback element. With other feedbacks, the system uses internal definitions shown below:
- Digital halls: 6 increments per electrical revolution or 6 * pair poles increments per mechanical revolution.
- Analog halls: 4096 increments per electrical revolution or 4096 * pair poles increments per mechanical revolution.
- Analog input: 4096 increments per mechanical revolution.
- PWM input: 65536 increments per mechanical revolution.
- Resolver input: 4096 increments per mechanical revolution.
Please, note that system uses internal definitions but the object value is not modified.
If this object is modified the Initial angle determination process finished bit of statusword is automatically reset and the process will be repeated once entering into operation enabled status.