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Quadrature Digital Encoder

A digital rotary encoder, or simply an encoder, is a sensor that provides the controller with information about the motion, this is, the variation of the position. It is the most common type of rotary encoder in industrial applications, and they come in different flavors: one, two or three signals, and single-ended or differential mode. EMCL is able to control all of those encoders, although single-wire encoders require some customization and would not fall into the quadrature digital encoder category.

Different options for digital rotary encoders are available: single-wire encoders provide the absolute value of motion movement, which can be enough in certain applications, while quadrature encoders also provide the direction of motion at the cost of an additional line. For applications where revolution count or absolute positioning are required, a third line may be added to count the number of completed motor revolutions, which coupled with a homing mechanism can provide absolute positioning. In addition, those lines may be provided single-ended to reduce costs or for short transmission distances, or in diffferential mode to improve signal-to-noise ratio and interference immunity during sensor-to-controller signal transmission.

Related registers

0x608F - Position encoder resolution

0x2312 - Dig. encoder / SinCos type

0x2311 - Dig. encoder / SinCos swap mode

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