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Command Source

Command Source view allows to select the source of motion commands. After selecting it, the available settings for the chosen option will appear in the same window.


Select this option when the servo drive is being controlled from a PC or a remote host.
Ingenia servo drives can utilize register commands from a network communication as a form of input command (typically Serial, CANopen and EtherCAT protocols are supported). 

Refer to Command Reference Manual for further information on network communication.

Analog Input

Select this option to use one of the hardware available analog inputs as a form of input command. For this signal to be useful to the control system, it is discretized, and linearly modified if required (scaling and offset), and the result of this operations is delivered to the control system. The control system ensures that system limits are not exceeded. In addition to those features, and only for velocity modes, a deadband is provided to prevent overcontrol near to the target velocity due to an excess of sensitivity.

Analog input usedAllows to specify the hardware analog input used.
Current motion modeThis is a read-only parameter that indicates the currently selected operation mode.
Motion rangeThis parameter defines the motion range that will correspond to the analog input range. It is also possible to reverse the movement in order to make the motion values evolve towards negative values.
Motion offsetThis parameter allows to move the Motion range up and down depending on its value. A positive offset value will move the range up, and a negative offset value will move the range down.
Velocity dead bandThis parameter defines a dead band of values when a velocity mode is used as Operation Mode. This characteristic allows reducing sensitivity at low speeds. It is expressed directly in velocity units, allowing to specify a fixed value independently of the rest of the settings.

Based on the parameters configuration the chart on the right will be updated to reflect the final motion range & behavior.

Quick Test

The quick test allows users to simulate the motion range in their application. For example, suppose that the Analog Input range is 0 – 10 V, but the signal that will be supplied has a range of 0 – 5V. Then, the range of the slider can be modified to match the real signal range and the most common values for this range will be displayed.


Select this option to use a PWM input as a form of input command. For this signal to be useful to the control system, the magnitude value is decoded from the PWM signal. Thereafter, some linear transformations (scaling and offset) may be applied if desired, and afterwards system limits are applied.

PWM mode

There are two main modes of working with PWM command source:

Single Input (PWM): It uses one input to control the duty.

Dual Input (PWM & Direction): It uses two inputs; one to assign the direction of the movement and another to assign the duty. Applying a 0 V to Direction pin will make the system to go in negative directions.


Current motion modeThis is a read-only parameter that indicates the currently selected operation mode.
Motion rangeThis parameter defines the motion range that will correspond to the analog input range. It is also possible to reverse the movement in order to make the motion values evolve towards negative values.
Motion offsetThis parameter allows to move the Motion range up and down depending on its value. A positive offset value will move the range up, and a negative offset value will move the range down.
Velocity dead bandThis parameter defines a dead band of values when a velocity mode is used as Operation Mode. This characteristic allows reducing sensitivity at low speeds. It is expressed directly in velocity units, allowing to specify a fixed value independently of the rest of the settings.

Based on the parameters configuration the chart on the right will be updated to reflect the final motion range & behavior.

Quick Test

The quick test allows users to simulate the motion range in their application. For example, suppose that the PWM duty used goes from 30% to 70%. Then, the range of the slider can be modified to match this range and the most common motion values will be displayed.

Step & Direction

Choose this mode if you would like to position the motor with step (pulse) & direction signals.

Step & direction command source, or simply stepper emulation, is a method in which the position of the motor is controlled through two digital inputs: the STEP and the DIRECTION. The DIRECTION input indicates direction of movement, and each falling edge on the STEP input increases (or decreases, depending on the DIRECTION value) the position of the rotor by the number of counts stipulated in the Step value parameter. As a consequence of this design, to achieve larger movements in small time periods it is necessary to either deliver a train of pulses through the STEP input at a high frequency rate (increasing encoder cost and EMIs due to switching) or to increase the value on the Step value parameter (losing resolution), hence not being suitable for high accuracy and responsivity applications. Nevertheless, its simplicity makes it acceptable for less demanding applications.

Step valueValue to increment/decrement at each step

Refer to the corresponding HW manual to get more information about the Step and Direction signals (where to connect each signal, ...).

This command source is only valid for profiled position mode.

The maximum step rate is 100 kHz (or steps/sec) with 5 μs minimum low and high level time.

The direction setup requires a minimum of 1 ms (20 μs minimum hold time after step edge).

Electronic Gearing

Electronic gearing is used when the command source comes directly from the digital incremental encoder of another motor, thus feeding the motion controller directly with another actuator feedback. This feature is fundamentally used to achieve movement synchronization between two or more actuators with minimum latency in command propagation due to the direct sensor interconnection. Input/output ratios are available to allow not only direct synchronization but also proportional synchronization. This may be of use when the set of actuators do not include identical transmission systems, and therefore the final mechanical energy applied to the load would not have the same characteristics.

Input gearThe input and output gear parameters allow applying a gear ratio between the movement of the master motor and the slave.
Output gearThe input and output gear parameters allow applying a gear ratio between the movement of the master motor and the slave.

This command source is only valid for profiled position mode.

Internal Signal Generator

The internal signal generator is used to perform repetitive movements without the need of an external master. It can generate only sinusouidal signals at the moment, and it can be used exclusively in cyclic modes.

Function typeSelect the function type desired
AmplitudeAmplitude of the generated signal.
FrequencyFrequency, expressed in Hz, of the generated signal.
SignalingIn addition to the signal configuration, user can generate a signaling using general purpose digital outputs according to generated signal. Digital output will be active half of the period. 


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