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The limits screen covers most of the basic system limits, including current, velocity, and position. The parameters are grouped by meaning and can be edited by two methods: manually through the edit boxes or graphically through the sliders at their right.

Position Limits

Minimum position limitAbsolute minimum limit for the target and current position. Every new target position will be checked and adjusted to the position limits.
Maximum position limitAbsolute maximum limit for the target and current position. Every new target position will be checked and adjusted to the position limits.

Profiler Limits

Maximum profile velocityDefine the maximal allowed velocity in each direction during a profiled motion. The profiler will use as maximum velocity the most restrictive velocity between maximum profile velocity and maximum motor speed.
Maximum motor speedDefine the maximal motor speed. The profiler will use as maximum velocity the most restrictive velocity between maximum profile velocity and maximum motor speed.
Maximum profiler acceleration

Defines the maximum allowed acceleration. It is used to limit the acceleration to an acceptable value in order to prevent the motor and the moved mechanics from being destroyed.

Maximum profiler decelerationDefines the maximum allowed deceleration. It is used to limit the deceleration to an acceptable value in order to prevent the motor and the moved mechanics from being destroyed.

Torque Limits

Minimum torque limitIndicates the configured minimum torque provided in the motor. This allows user to configure the system with an asymmetrical torque limit window.
Maximum torque limitIndicates the configured maximum torque provided in the motor. This allows user to configure the system with an asymmetrical torque limit window.
Maximum torque @ const speedIndicates the configured maximum permissible torque in the motor at constant speed (not during acceleration/deceleration paths)
Maximum motor torqueIndicates the configured maximum permissible torque in the motor.

Please, note that Maximum torque, Positive torque limit value and Negative torque limit value objects should not limit the peak current.

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