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The Motor view is used to configure the parameters of the motor conforming the actuator.

Depending on the Motor Type, the information available for editing will change in the Motor Parameters area. Check the motor datasheet to determine the appropriate values.

ParameterMotor typesDescription
Phase2Phase inductanceRotary, Linear

Motor phase to phase inductance in mH

Phase2Phase resistanceRotary, LinearMotor phase to phase winding resistance in mOhm
Phase inductanceStepperMotor phase inductance in mH
Phase resistanceStepperMotor phase winding resistance in mOhm
StrokeLinearMotor stroke in mm
Rated torque RotaryMotor rated torque in mNm
Holding torqueStepper

Holding torque when the motor is at standstill. 

Continuous forceLinearMotor continuos force in mN

Torque constant


Motor torque contant

Force sensitivityLinearForce sensitivity of the motor
Continuous currentRotary, LinearMotor continuous current rating in mA peak of sine wave
Peak currentRotary, StepperMotor peak current rating in mA peak of sine wave
Current@Force peakLinearMotor current in mA peak of sine wave at force peak
Peak timeRotary, LinearPeak time duration in ms
Max permissible speedRotary, LinearMotor maximum permissible rated speed
Motor pair polesRotary BrushlessNumber of motor pole pairs per revolution (for rotary brushless motors) 
Pole pitch

Linear Brushless

Pole pitch of the linear brushless motor in mm (this equals 2x pole pitch).

Full step/revolutionStepper


Number of full steps per mechanical revolution.  For example a 1.8º resolution stepper motor will have 200 steps per revolution (360º/1.8º).
Step mode


Select the excitation mode for the step motor among Full Step, Half Step or Microstepping (1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32).

In full step operation, the motor will move through its basic step angle, i.e., a 1.8° step motor takes 200 steps per motor revolution.

In half-step, the motor will move though half the basic step angle.

Microstepping is a technique that increases motor resolution by controlling both the direction and amplitude of current flow in each winding.

Current is proportioned in the windings according to sine and cosine functions.

Microstepping can divide a motor’s basic step up to 32 times. Microstepping improves low speed smoothness and minimizes low speed resonance effects.

Run currentStepperCurrent applied to the phases of the motor when it is moving in mA
Standby currentStepper

Current applied to the phases of the motor in standby situation in mA

Related parameters will appear with a link diagram next to their values. They can be entered manually or calculated automatically through the formula relating them.

Linked parameters
Linked parameters
Unlinked parameters
Unlinked parameters

Some motor parameters are used for auto-calculators of other settings so it is important to set them accurately.


The foldback feature protects both the motor and the drive from overheating. Two current foldback algorithms run in parallel in the drive: the drive foldback algorithm and the motor foldback algorithm. Each algorithm uses different sets of parameters and uses its own foldback current limit. The overall foldback current limit is the minimum of the two at any given moment.

Foldback is not the same as current limits. Instantaneous current limits for the drive are set by the Max system current in the system Limits view in MotionLab. The foldback algorithms may reduce the current output to the motor in spite of the current limit settings.

Drive Foldback

The drive foldback algorithm monitors current feedback; since this is a monitoring function, the drive foldback parameters are not user configurable.

Setting up motor foldback

The parameter entries required for the drive to apply motor foldback protection properly are Cycle Time, Peak current of the motor, and continuous current of the motor. These values are used to setup the algorithm for motor foldback. 

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