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Position control

This view shows the position control blocks and allows to manually configure the values of the position control schema.

The filter implemented in the position control loop is a parallel PID with acceleration and velocity feed-forward. 

Position Control Loop

Parameters of the control loop are as follow:

Proportional gainProportional constant
Integral gainIntegral constant
Derivative gainDerivative constant
Integral AW gainIntegral antiwindup constant
Velocity FF gainVelocity feedforward constant
Acceleration FF gain

Acceleration feedforward constant

Integral limit

The output contribution of the integral term could be controlled by using the Integral Limit factor and the Antiwindup contant. This mechanism is useful to reduce the overshoot or response time of the system. In situations where the position demanded is not physically reachable or the torque is saturated, the contribution of the integral term will increase continuously as the position error will never be zero. When the error direction is reversed, due to a position demand change or after an overshoot correction, the control loop will require some time to react as the accumulated integral term will be high. Integral Limit helps to reduce the contribution of the accumulated integral error and antiwindup constant could control the behavior of the integral part once saturation is reached.

Setting an Antiwindup constant equal to Integral constant will stop the integral contribution once the integral limit is reached.

Click on the Tune button to open the tuning tool recommend to set those values.

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