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Program Flow

Macro Function


CallCall another macro. The called macro must end with a “Macro return” function, otherwise it could misbehave
ReturnReturn to the caller of this macro
JumpJump to a macro
RepeatRepeats the current macro from the start the number of times given. 0 means repeat forever (endless loop)
End program 

Example: Jump from macro #4 to macro #2 without return

If Function

  • Target reached
  • Set-point acknowledge
  • Actual position
  • Actual velocity
  • Actual force
  • Digital input
  • Analog input
  • Register value

Use the IF command to execute a block of commands based on a condition that is provided.

Different 'is' properties are available based on the different 'if' conditions to evaluate.


  • Higher
  • Lower
  • Equal
  • Unequal
  • On/ Off
Logical comparison between values
ThanConstant / variableIt can use any readable variable in the controller or an integer value
  • Macro call
  • Macro jump
  • Macro return
  • Macro continue
Type of macro action. See Macro function above.
Macro numberInteger between 0 and 63 
  • Macro call
  • Macro jump
  • Macro return
  • Macro continue
Type of macro action. See Macro function above.
 Macro numberInteger between 0 and 63 


This program shows how to set a digital output depending on an analog input signal value.

Check Analog input #1 value: If greater than 100 ADC counts jump to macro #2 and set digital output #1 to ON, otherwise jumps to macro #2 and set digital output #1 to OFF.

Wait Function



Time in ms

The macro execution waits for a given time before processing the next function.
Register Value TimerTime in ms

Time (ms ) can be defined as constant value or read from an internal register.

This option uses the internal value of 'wait register' as variable.

  • Target reached
  • Set point acknowledge
  • Index Pulse
  • Actual position
  • Actual Force
  • Register Value
  • Analog Input
  • Digital Input
The macro execution waits for an event, motion value or input signal status before processing the next function.


Program waits for digital input = ON before executing the next macro instruction.

Stop Function

  • Quick Stop
  • Halt
  • Slow Stop



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