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How to pass Phasing test successfully

The following procedure can be done as a side verification after you perform a phasing test successfully either in the Configuration Wizard or manually. In almost all the cases, if the phasing calibration has been done with the shaft free of any load, this procedure should already be correct and no verification should be necessary but if you are not 100% sure and want to verify it, then you need to do the following steps (again, without any load on the shaft).

This procedure is best performed with the system without any load attached to the shaft but it is basically the following:

  • Open the Voltage Jog

  • Add 1 additional chart to the Scope with the register current actual value

  • (optional) Separate the velocity actual value register in a separate chart also (by default it will be in chart 1 with the voltage quadrature set-point) 

  • Enable the motor and apply small voltage setpoints in both directions

  • Check the velocity/current actual values for setpoints of the same magnitude but in a different direction and check that the magnitude of the velocity/current readings is almost the same. This means that if a small positive voltage is applied (+1 V), a positive velocity is read, and vice-versa. The current value is always positive.

This verification procedure can be seen also in the screenshot below:


This verification procedure can be seen also in the screenshot below:

Verification with load

It is not 100% mandatory to have the shaft without any load attached to it but depending on the load that you have, it might not be possible to fully rotate the axis at enough speed to be able to see the symmetry in velocity and current consumptions. However, for small loads, it should be completely possible if you check that the current actual values do not increase above limits.

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