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Basic system configuration guide

Basic information

How to enable the motor

To enable the motor, the state machine flow must be followed. To change state, the Control-Word parameter (0x010) is used and to view the current state of the drive, the status word parameter is used (0x011). For more information about the state machine click here. For instance, the normal enabling sequence is the following:

  1. Only if the drive is in fault state, set Control-Word to 128 by writing the following parameter - 0x010

  2. Set Control-Word to 6 by writing the following parameter - 0x010

  3. Set Control-Word to 7 by writing the following parameter - 0x010

  4. Set Control-Word to 15 by writing the following parameter - 0x010

How to disable motor

  1. Set Control-Word to 7 by writing the following parameter - 0x010

Storing parameters

In case any of the procedures below causes side-effects such as an under-voltage that could lead to configuration loss, storing parameters can be useful

To do this, write 0x65766173 to following parameter 0x6DB


It is recommended to store the parameters in the drive's memory whenever a valid configuration or tuning is achieved.


Basic configuration parameters

  • Motor configuration

  1. Set the motor pair poles by writing the following parameter - 0x106

  2. Set the motor rated current by writing the following parameter - 0x100

  • Limits

  1. Set Max. position by writing the following parameter - 0x1EB

  2. Set Min. position by writing the following parameter- 0x1EA

  3. Set Max. velocity by writing the following parameter-  0x1E8

  4. Set current direct  Umax to limit maximum voltage output of current loop by writing the following parameter - 0x507

  5. Set current direct  Umin to limit maximum voltage output of current loop by writing the following parameter - 0x508

  6. Set current quadrature Umax to limit maximum voltage output of current loop by writing the following parameter - 0x502

  7. Set current quadrature Umin to limit maximum voltage output of current loop by writing the following parameter - 0x503

  8. Set velocity Umax to limit maximum current output of velocity loop by writing the following parameter - 0x50E

  9. Set velocity Umin to limit maximum current output of velocity loop by writing the following parameter - 0x50F

  10. Set position Umax to limit maximum velocity output of position loop by writing the following parameter - 0x515

  11. Set position Umin to limit maximum velocity output of position loop by writing the following parameter - 0x516


  • Feedbacks configuration

Properly configure specific feedback parameters for each feedbacks that will be used (for example, encoder resolution). If the polarity of the feedback is uncertain, check the next step.

  • Polarity determination

    The polarity needs to be configured correctly in each feedback that is going to be used. The following procedure will help determining the polarity of the feedback:

  1. Set the polarity register of the feedback to be configured to 0.

  2. Set voltage direct set-point to 0 by writing the following parameter - 0x019

  3. Set voltage quadrature set-point to 0 by writing the following parameter - 0x018

  4. Set operation mode to voltage mode by writing the following parameter - 0x014

  5. Set generator mode to saw tooth mode by writing 1 in the following parameter - 0x380

  6. Set generator frequency to a low value, for example 0.2 Hz by writing the following parameter - 0x381

  7. Set generator gain to 1.0 by writing the following parameter - 0x382

  8. Set generator offset to 0.0 by writing the following parameter - 0x383

  9. Configure internal generator as commutation feedback by writing 3 in the following parameter - 0x151

  10. Configure as position feedback the feedback of which the polarity is going to be determined by writing the following parameter - 0x361

  11. Enable motor using the Control-Word parameter - 0x010

  12. Increase voltage direct set-point little by little until the motor starts spinning, by writing the following parameter - 0x019

  13. Once the motor is spinning, check if the actual position is increasing or decreasing by reading the following parameter - 0x030.
    If the position is decreasing, set the polarity of the sensor selected as position feedback to 1. Repeat this procedure for any other feedback that is going to be used by changing the sensor being used as position feedback.

  • Feedback selection

  1. Select the desired commutation feedback by writing the following parameter - 0x151

  2. Select the desired reference feedback by writing the following parameter - 0x153

  3. Select the desired velocity feedback by writing the following parameter - 0x360

  4. Select the desired position feedback by writing the following parameter - 0x361

Velocity feedback filter (recommended)

Configuring one of the velocity feedback filters is recommended since it provides a smoother reading when using certain sensors.

  1. Set Velocity feedback filter 1 type to low pass filter by writing the following parameter - 0x550

  2. Set Velocity feedback filter 1 frequency to 100 Hz by writing the following parameter - 0x551

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