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Moving the motor

At this point,

Assuming all the previous steps of configuration and tuning have been followed and reasonably stable tuning and phasing have been achieved, this guide will briefly explain how to perform movements with the motor.

Move the motor using trapezoidal commutation (BLDC)

Skip this step if a feedback different from digital halls is selected

  1. To move the motor using BLDC commutation, make sure the digital halls sensor is selected as commutation feedback - 0x151
  2. Make sure the feedback is aligned against the system using the forced alignment method.
  3. Select "No Phasing" in phasing mode parameter (once forced alignment has been performed, or an angle offset has been applied) - 0x154
  4. Set commutation modulation to trapezoidal modulation - 0x14F

Move using voltage mode

  1. Set operation mode to voltage mode by writing the following parameter - 0x014
  2. Set voltage quadrature set-point to the desired voltage value by writing the following parameter - 0x018
  3. Enable motor using the Control-Word parameter - 0x010
  4. At this point, if the voltage is high enough, the motor should spin. The voltage quadrature set-point can be modified at any moment while the power stage enabled.

Move using current mode

  1. Set operation mode to current mode by writing the following parameter - 0x014
  2. Set Current quadrature set-point to the desired value by writing the following parameter - 0x01A
  3. Enable motor using the Control-Word parameter - 0x010
  4. At this point, if the current is high enough, the motor should spin. The current quadrature set-point can be modified at any moment while the power stage is enabled.

Move using velocity mode

Move using raw set-points

  1. Set operation mode to velocity mode by writing the following parameter - 0x014
  2. Set Velocity set-point to the desired value by writing the following parameter - 0x021
  3. Enable motor using the Control-Word parameter - 0x010
  4. At this point, the motor should spin. The velocity set-point can be modified at any moment while the power stage is enabled.

Move using profiler

Profiler configuration

  1. Configure Profiler max. velocity by writing the following parameter - 0x025. This will limit the maximum velocity demanded by the profiler to this value.
  2. Configure Profiler max. acceleration by writing the following parameter - 0x026
  3. Configure Profiler min. acceleration by writing the following parameter - 0x027
  4. Activate Profile velocity mode by writing the value 0x13 (Profiler mode: 1 and Operation mode: 3) into the operation mode parameter - 0x014

Profiler usage

  1. Set Velocity set-point to the desired value by writing the following parameter - 0x021
  2. Enable motor using the Control-word parameter - 0x010
  3. Once the motor is enabled, latch the velocity set-point into the profiler. To do this, set to 1 the New set-point bit of the Control-word parameter (0x010). A rising edge of this bit when the power stage is enabled, latches the set-point and new demands are generated.
    For instance, if the value 0xF in the Control-word was set to put the driver in operation enabled, setting a value of 0x20F would latch a position set-point. Latching with 0xA0F should latch the set-point in relative mode.
  4. At this points the velocity demand will be generated following the ramp defined by the acceleration / deceleration and the maximum velocity. The motor should spin.
  5. New set-points can be latched while the motor is enabled.

Move using position mode

Move using raw set-points

  1. Set operation mode to position mode by writing the following parameter - 0x014
  2. Set Position set-point to the desired value by writing the following parameter - 0x020
  3. Enable motor using the Control-Word parameter - 0x010
  4. At this point, the motor should spin. The position set-point can be modified at any moment while the power stage is enabled.

Move using profiler

Profiler configuration

  1. Configure Profiler max. velocity by writing the following parameter - 0x025. This will limit the maximum velocity demanded by the profiler to this value.
  2. Configure Profiler max. acceleration by writing the following parameter - 0x026
  3. Configure Profiler min. acceleration by writing the following parameter - 0x027
  4. Activate Profile position mode by writing the value 0x14 (Profiler mode: 1 and Operation mode: 4) into the operation mode parameter - 0x014

Profiler usage

  1. Set Position set-point to the desired value by writing the following parameter - 0x020
  2. Enable motor using the Control-word parameter - 0x010
  3. Once the motor is enabled, latch the position set-point into the profiler. To do this, set to 1 the New set-point bit of the Control-word parameter (0x010). A rising edge of this bit when the power stage is enabled, latches the set-point and new demands are generated.
    For instance, if the value 0xF in the Control-word was set to put the driver in operation enabled, setting a value of 0x20F would latch a position set-point. Latching with 0xA0F should latch the set-point in relative mode.
  4. At this points the position demand will be generated following the trapezoidal profile defined by the acceleration / deceleration and the maximum velocity. The motor should spin.
  5. New set-points can be latched while the motor is enabled.
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