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Version 2.4.12


  • [EMCL-529] - Do not show the error "CAN in error passive mode" when the driver is not using CAN
  • [EMCL-1107] - Step & Direction command source should be able to divide the number of input pulses by a factor
  • [EMCL-1124] - Change default value in 0x2FF to other than Pluto


  • [EMCL-1114] - EMCY messages are using the wrong address
  • [EMCL-1121] - Limit switch problem
  • [EMCL-1122] - Cutoff frequency write error
  • [EMCL-1128] - PWM Command Source not working
  • [EMCL-1140] - Improve the EMCL documentation on how to save to NVM registers to prevent doing so while motor is enabled

Storing into the NVM

An additional access protection has been added when the Non-Volatile Memory is written or read through the registers 0x1010 & 0x1011. From this version, access to the NVM is not allowed if the drive is in operation enable state. Refer to CiA402 state machine for further information about drive states.

CAN interface error filter

A new register has been added to offer different levels of CAN interface diagnosis. This is useful when the application works using other communication interfaces than CAN (RS232, RS485 or USB). Further information on register 0x2001.

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