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Connect through EtherCAT using an External Master (TwinCAT) (Drives without FSoE)

The procedure is compatible with the standard portfolio of servo drives which come without the FSoE Functional Safety certification.

In order to use Ethernet connection between the PC and the Driver you need to set the Network Card in the same subnet than the Driver. Remember that the Driver comes by default with IP Please find a step by step guide on how to configure the Network Card here: Configuring adaptor for Ethernet connection

This is an advanced mode of connecting via EtherCAT that requires more setup and additional steps. For a simple way to make a connection, refer to the page on how to connect via CoE.

This is a step-by-step guide to configure the servo drive using MotionLab3 through an external master (TwinCAT):

  1. Follow the steps in the link to connect the Novanta drive to TwinCAT: Connecting TwinCAT to Ingenia EtherCAT slave.

  1. Double-click the slave that you want to config, and press Advanced Settings in the "EtherCAT" tab.

  2. Go to "EoE" tab inside "Mailbox", and configure the IP Address that you want for the slave. Important note, it needs to be in the same domain as the IP that you configured for the Ethernet port or it will not be detected by MotionLab3. In this case we use "":

  3. Go to "TwinCAT" menu tab, and click "Reload Devices" option. Discard the option to enter "Free run mode". The drive needs to be in Pre-operational state before attempting to connect to MotionLab3.

For a successful connection to MotionLab3, make sure that:

  1. Free run in TwinCAT is disabled

  2. The drive is in PREOP state

  1. Open MotionLab3 and press the Add slave manually button:

  2. Select the communication protocol you would like to use from the dropdown (in this case EtherCAT EoE (using external Master)):

  3. Enter the IP

  4. Press the Connect button:

  5. MotionLab3 will now connect you to the drive:


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