Motor Temperature Sensor
This step is used to configure your motor sensor so that you can get accurate readings of the temperature of your motor at all times. The drive can generate alarms and faults based on these readings in order to protect the motor from overheating during overloading conditions. This configuration is done basically by selecting the sensor type first (orange squares below), then setting the right parameters on the Control widget (green square below) and then checking that the temperature reading values are correct in the Display widget (blue square below):
If you are interested in learning more about the parameters configured in this step, please refer to the firmware manual documentation: Motor and brake.
Parameters to configure (green box in the picture)
No parameter needs to be configured when you have no temperature sensor connected.
Motor temp. sensor resistance → Resistance value for 25 ºC in ohms.
Motor temp. sensor β (25-85) → β parameter from the NTC datasheet
Motor temp. sensor resistance → Resistance value in ohms where the over-temperature must be detected.
Linear voltage sensor
Motor temp. sensor gain → Gain of the sensor, in ºC / V. (From the datasheet)
Motor temp. sensor offset → Offset of the sensor, in ºC
Motor temperature sensor temperature 0 → Temperature value at one point of the temperature sensor curves, in ºC.
Motor temperature sensor resistance 0 → Resistance value at one point of the temperature sensor curves, in ohms
Motor temperature sensor temperature 1 → Temperature value at one point of the temperature sensor curves, in ºC.
Motor temperature sensor resistance 1 → Resistance value at one point of the temperature sensor curves, in ohms.
Example of PT1000 temperature sensor:
Motor temperature sensor temperature 0 → 0 ºC
Motor temperature sensor resistance 0 → 1000 ohms
Motor temperature sensor temperature 1 → 100 ºC
Motor temperature sensor resistance 1 → 1385 ohms
Motor temperature sensor temperature 0 → Temperature value at one point of the temperature sensor curves, in ºC.
Motor temperature sensor resistance 0 → Resistance value at one point of the temperature sensor curves, in ohms.
Motor temperature sensor temperature 1 → Temperature value at one point of the temperature sensor curves, in ºC.
Motor temperature sensor resistance 1 → Resistance value at one point of the temperature sensor curves, in ohms.
No parameters need to be configured here.
Note that this sensor type is not able to read temperatures in the whole range. It only detects if the over-temperature condition exists or not. The motor temperature readings return values of 50.0 ºC if the over-temperature condition is not detected and 125.0 ºC otherwise. However, these values don't represent the real temperature of the motor.
How to verify settings
After having set the right parameters for your temperature sensor, you should be able to read the "motor temperature value" register on the Display widget (blue box in the picture above). Check the values that you are reading and verify that these are right according to the real temperature of the motor.
Once you have checked that the drive is reading the correct motor temperature values, then you can proceed to the next step.