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Example of a basic connection to a drive

Before starting

This tutorial assumes that you have connected the Everest XCR to an external DC power source inside the allowed voltage range (check Product Description if in doubt and Power Supply and Motor Power for wiring references) and an Ethernet cable between your computer and port ECAT0 (if you do not know which port is ECAT0, please refer to the following section of the manual: Connectors Guide).

Ethernet connection

In order to use Ethernet connection between the PC and the Driver we need to set the Network Card in the same subnet than the Driver. Remember that the Driver comes by default with IP

Please, find below a step by step guide on how to configure the Network Card and how to connect to the driver using MotionLab3.

  1. Open Windows settings and choose network and internet options
  2. Click on "Change adapter options" 
  3. Right-click on the Ethernet connection to the drive

  4. Click on option "Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", and click on the Properties button

  5. Set IP and network mask to Click "OK"

  6. Open MotionLab3.

    Before starting

    This tutorial assumes that you have connected your driver an external DC power source inside the allowed voltage range and an Ethernet cable between your computer and Port ECAT0 (if you do not know which port is ECAT0, please refer to the following section of the manual).

  7. Click on "Configuration Tools" > "Configure your system through the Wizard tool

  8. Once the Wizard starts press Next to go to Communication page

  9. Select "Ethernet" connection, choose the network adapter where the driver is attached, enter the IP and press "Connect". 

  10. After that, your Drive description will appear on Drive overview page. You have been successfully connected to your drive!

EtherCAT Connection

MotionLab uses Ethernet over EtherCAT (EoE) to establish a connection with the driver, which means that an EtherCAT master is always required.

It could be done using:

  • An embedded EtherCAT master in MotionLab (BETA)
  • An external EtherCAT master (i.e. Twincat)

In order to use Ethernet connection between the PC and the Driver we need to set the Network Card in the same subnet than the Driver. Remember that the Driver comes by default with IP

Please, find below a step by step guide on how to configure the Network Card and how to connect to the driver using MotionLab3.

Using an External Master (TwinCAT)

This is a step by step guide to configure Ingenia slaves using MotionLab3:

  1. Download ( and install TwinCAT3 on your computer.
  2. Copy the appropriate ESI file (according to the firmware version that you have in your drive) in the following folder: C:\TwinCAT\3.1\Config\Io\EtherCAT
  3. Check the following link to scan the network: Connecting TwinCAT to Ingenia EtherCAT slave
  4. If you fail in the previous step to scan the drive correctly, make sure to check that you have the installed the Ethernet device that you are using by doing the following procedure:
    1. Before scanning, click on TWINCAT --> Show Realtime Ethernet Compatible Devices
    2. This will open a new window with the currently installed devices and compatible/incompatible devices
    3. In the "incompatible devices" section, you will most likely find your current Ethernet adapter that you are using. Click on it and click on the button "Install"
    4. This will take a little bit of time but once it is finished the device should now appear in the "installed and ready to use devices" section
    5. After this, you should now be able to scan the drives without a problem
  5. Double-click the slave that you want to config, and press Advanced Settings in the "EtherCAT" tab.

  6. Go to "EoE" tab inside "Mailbox", and configure the IP Address that you want for the slave. Important note, it needs to be in the same domain as the IP that you configured for the Ethernet port or it will not be detected by MotionLab3. In this case we use "":

  7. Go to "TwinCAT" menu tab, and click "Reload Devices" option. Discard the option to enter "Free run mode". The drive needs to be in Pre-operational state before attempting to connect to MotionLab3.

  8. Open the newest version of MotionLab3.

  9. Click on "Configuration Tools" > "Configure your system through the Wizard tool

  10. Once the Wizard starts press Next to go to Communication page

  11. Select "EtherCAT EoE (using external Master)" connection, choose the network adapter where the driver is attached, enter the IP and press "Connect"

  12. After that, your Drive description will appear on Drive overview page. You have been successfully connected to your drive!

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