MotionLab3 is a software tool that allows users to configure a servo drive with ease. The configuration of a servo drive is done by following a multi-step process in the Configuration wizard.
This user manual is a practical guide on how to use MotionLab3 in its full capabilities, it includes information on how to connect to your drive, update the firmware, how-to articles and troubleshooting sections, and much more.
The best way to get started is reading the General overview page.
This manual is up to date with the following software version: 1.9.2
This manual is also based only for the Summit devices with the latest versions of firmware.
Updating software and firmware versions
It is strongly recommended to update to the latest Motionlab3 and latest firmware version of the drive. If you do not know how to do this, please refer to the following tutorials:
How do I know if I have the latest firmware version installed in my drive?
How do I know if I have the latest MotionLab3 software version installed on my computer?
For older firmware versions it is recommended to use the version listed in the drive Downloads Page.