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Everest XCR - Quick start guide

Safety first

Always keep the recommendations of Safety Information in mind. Spending some extra minutes on safety, and keeping the workspace clean and ordered can save several days or weeks in case of malfunction or damage!


ROTATING PARTS can cause serious injury.

Keep your hands clear. Before powering any motors, ensure that all moving parts are reliably secured and assembled. High-speed moving parts are very dangerous. Never try to brake the motor with your hands. 


Les PIÈCES ROTATIVES peuvent causer des blessures graves.

Gardez les mains libres. Avant de démarrer les moteurs, assurez-vous que toutes les pièces mobiles sont fixées et assemblées de manière fiable. Les pièces mobiles à grande vitesse sont très dangereuses. N'essayez jamais de freiner le moteur avec vos mains.

Quick start steps

The initial commissioning can be performed in the following sequence:

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