Version 2.3.3
New Feature
- [EMCL-531] - Add PWM functionality to Digital General Purpose Outputs
- [EMCL-638] - Use Following Error Timeout in homing methods based on following error
- [EMCL-662] - Add PWM inputs module
- [EMCL-705] - Add two new GPO 9 & 10 for general purpose
- [EMCL-744] - Add Digital Tachometer as Position Feedback
- [EMCL-841] - Implement injection point after controller
- [EMCL-862] - Improve Monitoring trigger capabilities
- [EMCL-898] - Add analog halls swap option
- [EMCL-899] - Invert digital halls polarity meaning to unify the use of feedback polarities
- [EMCL-829] - Add endianness option on SSI feedbacks
- [EMCL-133] - Add auto-trigger option to monitoring
- [EMCL-535] - Improve velocity measurement based on Digital Halls
- [EMCL-548] - Make Torque offset register PDO mappable
- [EMCL-664] - The PWM command source must use the values from the PWM input module
- [EMCL-677] - Homing offset is applied into Software position limits
- [EMCL-680] - Following error should not be used in velocity / torque cycle mode
- [EMCL-700] - Add Shunt functionality to Digital General Purpose Outputs
- [EMCL-702] - Add Brake functionality to Digital General Purpose Outputs
- [EMCL-703] - Add DAC functionality to Digital General Purpose Outputs
- [EMCL-774] - Add automatic adaptive microstepping feature
- [EMCL-794] - Add a register to store the status of the configuration
- [EMCL-814] - Include Swap options into SSI encoders
- [EMCL-815] - Multi-turn simulation should start on the middle of the position range
- [EMCL-840] - New Identification tools
- [EMCL-844] - Add an option to reduce the update rate of disturbance signal
- [EMCL-861] - Square internal signal generator does not work in CSP & PT
- [EMCL-146] - Stop manager doesn't work in some modes of operation
- [EMCL-205] - UART message is not parsed correctly
- [EMCL-330] - False peaks on phase current readings (Current A, B & C)
- [EMCL-340] - Brake is not correctly enabled under some circunstancies
- [EMCL-341] - I2T protection after parameters modification does not respect peak time duration
- [EMCL-544] - Open Load protection should be checked before bootstrap.
- [EMCL-597] - Deadtime is not respected in some situations
- [EMCL-605] - Open Loop mode does not work correctly with Steppers
- [EMCL-606] - Voltage registers are not updated
- [EMCL-616] - Communication lost when acc/dec are set to 0
- [EMCL-621] - Problems with Run and Stanby current for steppers
- [EMCL-623] - In Profile Torque mode, current was limited by "0x2506 - Max torque cte speed"
- [EMCL-626] - Stepper motors get stucked after a few minutes working
- [EMCL-692] - Run & Standby current are not working properly on CSP / CSV
- [EMCL-695] - When working with RPDO, Target position is updated even if SYNC message is not received
- [EMCL-699] - Software Position limits are not controlled in CSP mode
- [EMCL-710] - Standby current is not used if System polarity is set to Reversed
- [EMCL-712] - Position demand is not updated after sending a Target position
- [EMCL-733] - Encoder gearing is not working as expected if the ratio is changed
- [EMCL-755] - Representation peaks appears randomly on Current coil demand values
- [EMCL-761] - Incorrect enabling/disabling behaviour of the feedbacks
- [EMCL-771] - Increase resistance parameter allowed range
- [EMCL-775] - Monitoring starts automatically before any movement
- [EMCL-842] - Mismatch between disturbance & preadded variable
- [EMCL-863] - Actual position value given by SSI absolute encoder is set to 0 when motor is enabled
- [EMCL-870] - Single-turn SSI encoder with more than 16 bits don't work
- [EMCL-872] - Electronic Gearing command source not stable when changing gear ratio from Macros
- [EMCL-878] - Incorrect angle measurement for SSI encoders
- [EMCL-897] - Phasing process fails when encoder increments and motor revolutions are high
- [EMCL-900] - Phasing error appears if forced open loop mode is selected
Version 2.3.3 has included some important modifications that could change the system behaviour.
New Feedback Architecture
Improvements when working only with Digital Hall sensors
New Trigger Tools for Monitoring
- Immediately,
- Positive or Negative slope of a register value,
- Register value out of a window
- Single or multiple Digital Inputs at the same time.
Improved Digital Inputs & Outputs
- General PWM output configurable (documentation)
- Digital to Analog converter output configurable (Check if the HW supports this feature)
- Shunt resistor output - The shunt could be mapped to additional digital outputs.