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Version 1.3.0


  • [EMCL-123] - Daisy chain does not work
  • [EMCL-132] - Register 0x1200 is not reporting the correct values
  • [EMCL-142] - Health output is inverted
  • [EMCL-143] - Digital output polarity has to be inverted
  • [EMCL-150] - Repeat functions keeps in an endless loop
  • [EMCL-153] - Fault state signalling is not received when using UART communications


  • [EMCL-23] - Improve trap signalling and add it to documentation
  • [EMCL-116] - Include brake out PWM modulation
  • [EMCL-120] - Modify local/remote behaviour
  • [EMCL-124] - Remove non-used Analog input 4
  • [EMCL-128] - Modes of operation can be changed always
  • [EMCL-129] - Torque control loop independent of current readings
  • [EMCL-140] - Add the possibility to map the Enable/Disable input feature in any GPI

New Feature

  • [EMCL-96] - Include possibility to change CANopen baud rate via USB
  • [EMCL-103] - Binary RS232 communications
  • [EMCL-119] - Add new motor type
  • [EMCL-125] - Signal status events by means of an digital output
  • [EMCL-126] - Add the possibility to execute functions by means of a digital input

Backward compatibility notes

Version 1.3.0 implements a new GPIO manager that allows monitoring the Driver status or remap a specific function to a General Purpose Digital Output. It also allows setting a specific functionality for each General Purpose Digital Input.

Two new registers have been added and five registers has been removed for this purpose. Users upgrading driver into EMCL version 1.3.0 will have to take this change of registers into consideration to assure proper configuration.

MotionLab software (2.8.2 or higher) automatically migrates configuration files generated with previous EMCL versions into EMCL 1.3.0. It is highly recommended to use this tool instead of doing the migration manually.

Registers added in EMCL 1.3.0

IndexDescriptionDocumentation link
0x2A10GPI mapping parameters0x2A10 - GPI mapping parameter
0x2A11GPO mapping parameters0x2A11 - GPO mapping parameter

Registers removed in EMCL 1.3.0

IndexSubindexDescriptionDocumentation link
0x24360x04Digital output signaling (Internal generator cmd source)0x2436 - Internal generator cmd source
0x2A05 0x02Digital output used (Brake options)0x2A05 - Brake options
0x2A06AllSwitches configuration0x2A06 - Switches configuration
0x2A07AllEnable / disable input0x2A07 - Enable / disable input
0x2A09AllHealth options0x2A09 - Health options
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